Sunday, September 2, 2012

Analysis vs. Summary and The Consoladation of Conspiracy

          Many months ago I had the pleasure (I think) of spending a few weeks with my younger brother Stephen who lives in Las Vegas. Stephen reminds me of the character played by Mel Gibson in the movie "Conspiracy Theory". Just as the character in the movie, he never met a conspiracy theory he didn't like. I, the eternal skeptic, was forced to listen to many hours of disjointed facts relating to topics such as the creation of a New World Order, ancient aliens, and pyramid power, among others. I quickly tired of the conversations as they seemed to lead nowhere and profited nothing. I felt as if I was curious as to the topics discussed but somehow craving it to be amalgamated in some relevant way in order to make sense in some way. I even so much as started to write the first few chapters of a fictitious work which I had entitled “The Consolidation of Conspiracy”. I think this was a response to what we all experience as audiences left wanting of reason and purpose in the information we are exposed to. My desire to make sense of what my brother was attempting to communicate led me to do my own research on the World Wide Web.

            The internet is full of internet rumor and seemingly unrelated theories as to many conspiracies. It was not until I had stumbled across a documentary entitled “End Game” produced by Mr. Alex Jones that I was satisfied. You see my brother had only provided a summary of facts which, while entertaining on some inquisitive level, led to no tangible or productive result. The film, on the other hand, had methodically tied the many facts together and explained what exactly each element meant in the big picture as it related what many believe is a threat to our national sovereignty. I had experienced a true analysis of these disturbing events and was finally satisfied with the result. I could now either agree with the producers of the film or disagree and construct my own opinion according to my own understanding. This is an example of the essence of analysis; it answers the why, or rather the purpose the author might be communicating the information to me. Summary is no more than an eloquent list of sorts. It answers the; who, what, where but leaves out the “why”. I now fully understand the difference between the two thanks to my brother Stephen, Mr. Alex Jones and ultimately my own tenacity. Maybe someday I’ll even finish that novel! For more information as to the work of Alex Jones click on the following link:

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