Sunday, September 23, 2012

Rhetorical Anaylysis Of "The End Of America 2" Advertisement

Having viewed the advertisement for a film entitled “The End of America 2” ( feel as though the author was effective at using all of the elements of rhetorical argument. First and I think the most obvious was in the use of the rhetorical tool of ethos. We are hearing the well-known and distinctive voice of Mr. Alex Jones an authority on issues directly relating to the content of the film. I trust Alex Jones and rely on past experiences with products and content he has recommended. Also along those same lines the ad mentions past predictions of the filmmaker which came to pass. Definite ethos argument as the track record of the filmmaker should provide comfort to the viewer that the content he/she might be considering viewing comes from an authoritative and credible source.
                The creator of the ad also employed the rhetorical tool of pathos by appealing emotionally to the audience. We all generally care for the well-being of our finances, our families and society as a whole. By the mention of threats to these institutions we are compelled to listen further or ultimately click on the link to the website for the film to apprise ourselves to information having to do with the threats. This along with Mr. Jones’s serious tone exemplifies effective use of Pathos in the Ad.
                The use of Logos in the ad might be best addressed by; again, the listing of the past track record of the film-maker as well as the mention of a reputable Magazine such as Baron’s recommending the film. The audience is propelled to follow a path of reasoning. If the film-maker has made successful predictions in the past it is therefore reasonable to assume that this current film might contain similar predictions that might aid us the audience in preparing for events which might affect our lives in a significant way.
                By the effective use of all three of the common rhetorical tools the author of this ad has succeeded in his/her goal of compelling a further look at the content, has effectively considered audience and through this analysis inadvertently taught me about these fundamental constructs of rhetoric.


1 comment:

  1. Wow! This ad was very scary and captured my attention and I wanted to know more! I like your response in describing what techniques are used in this ad, breaking down and explaining them with this example was good!
